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The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Senior Pastor Dr. Wayne BarrettPastor's Welcome

 — Wayne Barrett, Senior Pastor

 On behalf of Hilltop Lakes Chapel, I welcome you to our website. We are happy and honored that you are interested in our church, and we hope that these pages will help you gain some helpful information about us.

The first thing and the main thing that we would like you to know about us is that we are a people of Jesus Christ. We are called by Him, forgiven through His death, and given life by Him through the power of His resurrection. As His disciples, we seek to worship Him with our lives—not just for an hour or so on Sundays, but in all of our living. We know that we are called to love God with all that we are and have and to love one another. And we know that we are commanded to be obedient to Christ and His word.

We are an inter-denominational congregation. Our members come from many different denominational backgrounds or no denominational background at all. Our worship and community life are greatly enriched by this diversity. We worship the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we emphasize the great themes of the Christian faith, fidelity to the Bible, and putting faith into practice.

Jesus established the church to be His body, a community of believers, a family, to encourage each other in unity and to demonstrate and proclaim His love to the world. We strive to do that faithfully.

If you are seeking a church home, we hope that you will prayerfully consider us.

What to Expect

If you attend a worship service at our church, you will receive a warm welcome, but you will not be singled out, asked to introduce yourself, questioned, or in any way embarrassed. At the beginning of our worship service, we normally ask any first-time visitors to raise their hands so that our ushers can give them a gift and some information about the church, but you don’t even have to do that if you’d rather not.

What to wear? Whatever you would like to wear. Our members will be dressed in everything from jeans to suits.

What will the service be like? We will hear instrumental music, read Scripture, sing hymns, have prayers, receive an offering, hear the choir and/or other singers, hear a Biblical message, possibly have Communion—things that the Church has been doing in one form or another for two-thousand years. Our services are recorded and available on this website, so you can always view some of them if you’d like.

What Are the People Like?

As their pastor, I am going to brag on the members of Hilltop Lakes Chapel a little bit, but this really is what they are like:

Joyful. You will easily sense that there is a joy in the Lord and in being together among the congregation.

Loving. You will also sense very quickly that this is a loving congregation.

Courageous. You might not always pick up on this, but folks in our congregation face all sorts of challenges in their lives—like you do—and while they do not pretend those challenges are not there, they face them with courage and strength, given by God. Being in a church family helps us to do this.

Supportive. Our members support one another and they support the world around us. They do this in many ways, more than can be listed. But I would like to mention that around 23% of our regular offerings goes to missions, both local and international. Our members are focused on helping others.

Fun. These are fun folks to be around. Come join us, and you will see.

Come Visit!

I hope that you are able to get a sense of who we are from this website. But the best way to get to know us is to come and visit. I hope that you will!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.