March 23, 2025
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
#2 Hilltop Drive Hilltop Lakes, TX 77871
Last week we covered the "woes" Jesus warned about and what has been termed the "Golden Rule". This week we complete Chapter six and judging someone by their fruit. In Chapter seven Jesus heals the Centurion's servant through the faith of the Centurion.
Luke Lesson 12 Study Questions
1. In these words of Jesus we see the guilt of those who are blind leaders of the blind. We also see the ____________ of followers to make sure their _______ are not blind.
2. A disciple is not above his teacher: A disciple was much like a student, with the added element of following and patterning after the master or teacher. In this way, the disciple would never be greater than the teacher, yet everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher. We will become like those we ________, so we must decide to choose good ________ to follow.
3. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? The figures of a speck and a plank are real figures used humorously. Jesus shows that we are generally far more tolerant to our own ____ than we are to the ____ of others.
4. A good tree does not bear bad fruit…every tree is known by its own fruit: This fruit is the ________ result of who we are. Eventually – though it may take a time for the harvest to come – the good or bad fruit is evident, ________ what sort of tree we are. Not every tree is the same.
5. But why do you call Me “Lord, Lord,” and do not do the things which I say? Jesus made a distinction between those who merely make a verbal __________ of faith, and those who actually both hears His sayings and ______ them.
6. Whoever comes to Me: Here, in three brief points, Jesus described the one who does ______ Him in wisdom and truth – and went on to illustrate the _______ of that one.
7. He sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant: Apparently, the centurion did not think himself _______ of a personal meeting with Jesus, and perhaps thought Jesus would not want to meet with a _______ like himself, so he sent Jewish leaders as his representatives to Jesus.
8. The one for whom He should do this was deserving: The Jewish leaders did this for the centurion because he was a ________ man. In contrast, we can come to Jesus directly without a representative even when we are _________; He justifies the ungodly (Romans 4:5).
9. The centurion was a remarkable man. The elders said he was worthy; he said he was not worthy. They praised him for building a house of worship; he felt unworthy that Jesus would come to his house. They said he was deserving; he felt himself undeserving. Strong _______ and great _________ are entirely compatible.
10. The centurion showed great faith in Jesus’ _____. He understood that Jesus could heal with His ______ just as easily as with a touch.
11. Jesus only marveled on a few occasions. He did so here, at the faith of the centurion, and also at the unbelief of His own people (Mark 6:6). Jesus can be amazed at either our ______ or our _________.
12. This young man was not resurrected but resuscitated; he rose from the dead only to die again. God promises that we will be resurrected and ______ from the dead ______ to die again.