The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

online videos

Here you can find the latest video recorded messages and lessons preached and taught at Hilltop Lakes Chapel. Currently our Sunday morning Pastor's Class, Sunday morning Worship, and Wednesday night ChristLife Bible Study are broadcast Live and recorded for viewing later. 

  Watch Sunday Sermons
  Watch Pastor's Class
  Watch ChristLife Bible Study

we attend to god's word

We gather at the Chapel on Sunday's and Wednesday for Bible Classes and Worship Service.  Here are some tools to help you fully engage with Hilltop Lakes Chapel on Sundays.

Joining the Online Service|Gather for Worship|The Bible|

Message Notes|Welcome Cards|Prayer and Connection Cards|Giving

Joining the Online Service

Can't attend but would like to join us live?  We offer live streaming for our ChristLife Bible Study with Pastor Wayne on Wednesday at 6:00pm, The Pastor's Class with Robert Read on Sunday at 9:45am and Worship Service  at 11:00am.  Streaming is on 3 platforms; subscribe and receive alerts of upcoming broadcasts.

Click on a button below for online services each Sunday at 9:45 am and 11:00 am and Wednesday at 6:00 pm to Watch Live.

the bible

Pastor Wayne uses ESV in his sermons and bible classes.  When you are on the website and see scripture in the text, just hover and click and the scripture will show in a text box. 

Message notes

Download the Message Notes for ChristLife Bible Study and Pastor's Class. Visit our media library and catch up on some of Pastor Wayne's studies and join us when we return live on the 18th. The Pastor's Class notes are usually posted on Friday and can be found on the Events page or on the Media page in the Pastor's Class tab. 

For this weeks notes, click here:
  ChristLife Bible Study Notes
  Pastor's Class Notes


Whether you attend Hilltop Lakes Chapel all the time or are gathering with us for the first time, complete our Welcome Card to tell us who you are, where you're watching from, and ask any questions that you might have about the Chapel or the Christian faith.
Welcome Card

prayer and connection card

Have any prayer requests to share?  Want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus?  Want to learn more about Hilltop Lakes Chapel?  No matter what's on your mind or heart, complete our prayer and connection card to let us know how we can pray, answer your questions about Jesus, or provide information about the Chapel, Worship Service, Bible Studies, Opportunities to Serve, or anything else you might want to know.
Prayer and connection card



Scripture teaches all of us who are part of the Church to give—not out of obligation, but as an act of love and worship.  Giving has been a part of worship, ordained by God, for as long as we have records of worship, whether corporate or personal. God blesses our gifts and uses them to accomplish His work in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.


We receive offerings during our services as a part of our worship together. But we can also mail in our gifts or send them online as acts of love and worship—and many people find this to be a better way for them to manage their giving.


Offerings given over the website are confidential and secure. Your information is held securely by an SSL-encrypted connection.  This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your annual record of contributions.
