Living the ChristLife Wednesday Night Bible Study Angels pt 2

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Nov. 20, 2024


Dear Friends,

Why does God choose to do some things through angels instead of just "doing them himself"? 

Our Bible study this evening is prompted by that question. I hope you can join us for "Angels, pt.2." Notes are attached.




NOVEMBER 20, 2024


Part 2

(a work in progress…)

Why does God send angels when He could do it himself?

First of all, there is no direct explanation.

What do we observe, and what do we think?

They were created either before or along with the creation account in Genesis. (cf. Job 38:7)

(note: “before” might be difficult to define)

They (must) have a role in the created order—and have had one all along, even though, since the fall of

man, their originally-expected activities may well have changed.

We don’t know exactly what the original role was, but we have Biblical indicators

It appears to be the case that God’s created order has been given “systemic integrity” by him and that he

does not abrogate that integrity.

To do so would be to God against his own will, which was to create what he has created and for

his creation to exist and function according to its created design, purpose, and actuality.

“And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1)

Example of a “created” game of baseball…

Even in our salvation, God did not abrogate his created order, he entered into it, and he saved us

according to its (his) laws.

Angels are not an “interruption” to the created order, they are God’s agents, sent by God, to serve those

whom he has chosen in ways that are in accordance with his will.

Both they and their activity are a part of the original, created order.

They serve the “Son of Man,” first and foremost.

In serving Jesus, they help those who belong to him.

The angels do not take over for man; they assist man, they help him, as it was always known that angelic

help for people would be needed.

In Biblical narratives and contemporary accounts, they bring messages, they deliver, they protect

This often (usually?) occurs in response to prayer

But, we never see angels working the fields for anyone, or negotiating a treaty, or building a


We were greatly helped in WWII, but we were not allowed only to pray and God “take

care of the rest”

They assist whom God elects according to God’s purposes

They do not set up independent operations or communications


Why do angels deliver some messages in dreams or visions as opposed to in person?

Perhaps it is because the message is only to be heard by the recipient and the angel is not to be

seen by others.

What about miracles?

A large topic unto itself!

“miracles” – “works”

Many “miracles” may be actions taken by angels, sent by God, but this has always been a part of

the created order.

Previously noted: they normally seem to be sent in response to prayer—sometimes in

response to many prayers!

In John, miracles are called “signs.” Miracles helped to reveal that Jesus was who he said he was.

They reveal what God is able to do and what he desires to do.

Miracles are according to God’s will and ongoing activities—although they may be “speeded

up”a or a foreshadowing (Lazarus)

Miracles are never “magic.”

Jesus did not turn people into frogs or make them disappear. He did not saw people in

two and put them back together.

What about “water into wine”?—All wine is water that has been turned into wine!

And, one can easily believe that the Creator does reserve the right to “step in” according to his


cf. when the Captain goes below deck


Angels do not serve or help those who are enemies of God. Indeed, angels play a great role in carrying

out God’s judgments.

These serve the honor of Jesus Christ


God’s created order is being redeemed and will all be remade—specifically people, redeemed by Christ,

in the Resurrection.

Angels carrying out God’s commands, is God doing it Himself! But he is doing so, within his creation,

in ways that are according to his created system.

Their work is seen and unseen. Mostly unseen… at least for now.

a I think C. S. Lewis suggests this in Miracles