Wednesday Night Bible Study

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Jun. 07, 2023

God's promises to King David in 2nd Samuel and how the connect to Jesus Christ the Messiah

Connecting the Dots – The Davidic Covenant


1. God promises David, like He did Abraham, that He will make his name great (2 Samuel 7:9)

2. David will have a son who will succeed him as king, and God will establish his kingdom (2 Samuel 7:12)

3. This son will build the Temple (2 Samuel 7:13)

4. This kingdom, the throne, and the Davidic line will continue forever (2 Samuel 7:13)

5. God will center this dynasty in the Promised Land and provide His people rest and peace (2 Samuel 7:10)

6. God’s love will remain on the house forever, even when it sins (2 Samuel  7:15)

Everlasting Provisions

“HOUSE” – Promising a dynasty in the lineage of David

“KINGDOM” – referring to a people who are governed by a king

“THRONE” – emphasizing the authority of the king’s rule

“FOREVER” – emphasizing the eternal and unconditional nature of this promise to David and Israel

Fulfilled by Christ in the New Testament

    “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham (Matthew 1:1 ESV).”

    Jesus is continually referred to as the “Son of David” – (Matt. 9:27, 12:23, Mark 10:48, 12:35, Luke 18:38-39, 20:41

    “The Lion of the tribe of Judah and the root of David” – (Revelation 5:5)

    “I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” (Revelation 22:16)

The New Covenant Provisions

1. Regeneration: the people will be given new hearts and God’s Law will be internalized in their minds and hearts.

2. National Restoration: God will be their God, the nation of Israel will be His people, and have an endless existence.

3. A comprehensive knowledge and personal relationship with God through the personal ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit: they will all be taught personally & individually by God.

4. Full justification and forgiveness: their sins will be wholly removed

5. Jerusalem will be rebuilt and shall remain intact forever.

Comparison of Old and New Covenants


Temporal    Everlasting

Written on Stones    Written on our hearts

Blood of Animal    Blood of Christ

Many Sacrifices    One Permanent Sacrifice

Mediated by Moses    Mediated by Jesus Christ

Anticipates Forgiveness    Forgiveness Realized

No Indwelling of the Spirit    Permanent Indwelling of the Spirit

Approach God through the High Priest    Christ is our High Priest

Sacrifices Anticipate the Cross    Communion – Looks back to the Cross

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