The Gospel of Luke Lesson 1

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Jan. 05, 2025

We begin with the Gospel of Luke this week with some introductory information, and we will start into the Scripture covering the first 17 verses. Join us for this insightful study Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Luke Lesson 1 Study Questions

1.    Many have taken in hand: Luke wrote his gospel knowing that many had already written histories of the life of Jesus. This may be a reference to the works of ____ and ________ (most people think ____ was written after Luke), and it may also refer to other biographies of Jesus not directly inspired by the Holy Spirit.

2.    Those things which have been fulfilled among us: When Luke wrote, most Christians already knew all about the life of ______, both from the oral accounts passed on by the original disciples, and by the biographies that had already been _________.

3.    Those who from the beginning were undoubtedly the __________, who were with Jesus from the very start. But those who from the beginning would also include people such as _____ herself, whom Luke probably interviewed in his research for this history of the life of Jesus.

4.    To write to you an orderly account: Having already read Matthew and Mark’s account, Luke wanted to give a third account with an emphasis on comprehensiveness and order. Therefore, Luke is the most comprehensive gospel. He documents the story of Jesus’ all the way from the ___________ of John the Baptist to Jesus’ __________.

5.    By his title (most excellent), we gather that Theophilus was probably a Roman government official. It is entirely likely that the books of Luke and Acts make up Paul’s ________ brief for his ______ before Caesar, since Acts leaves Paul waiting for that trial.

6.    in the days of Herod: These events happened at a definite time. This was the man known as Herod the Great, who was at the end of a long and terrible reign. Ethnically, he was not a descendant of _______, but of Jacob’s brother Esau – therefore an _________.

7.    To a godly man like Zacharias, this was probably the ______ event of his life, a tremendous privilege, a-once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Surely he wondered what it would be like to enter the holy place, and if God had something ________ to speak to him in this special event of his life.

8.    The connection between the burning of incense and prayer might seem strange to some, but in the Bible the burning of ________ is a strong picture of _______ (Psalm 141:2; Revelation 5:8).

9.    When Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him: The angel who appeared to Zacharias was not a romantic figure, or a naked baby with wings. This angel was a _________, ________, and an _________ creature. Like most angels in the Bible, the first thing this angel has to say to his human contact is “Do not be afraid.”

10.    Zacharias had no idea that God would answer the two greatest desires of his heart at once. He had probably completely ______ ___ on the idea of being a dad; it was a hope that was crushed over the years of disappointment. But God _______ given up on it, even though Zacharias and Elizabeth had.
