The Gospel of Luke Lesson 2

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Jan. 12, 2025

We pick up in Luke 1:18 and Zachaias' doubt and his resulting muteness. We will end with Mary's visit with Elizabeth, and John leaping in her womb.

Luke Lesson 2 Study Questions

1.    Zacharias looked at the circumstances _____, and what God can do _____; we are tempted to think this is logical; but if God is real, there is nothing logical about putting circumstances before God.

2.    It was nothing but good news to Zacharias that he would not only have a son, but that the son would have a significant role in God’s plan of __________. This is the good news that Gabriel brought to Zacharias. This gives a better idea of what it really means to preach the _______ – it is to bring good news to people who need it.

3.    After the incense priest finished, he came out of the holy place through the great doors of the temple and met the other two priests right outside the doors. Then the incense priest raised his hands and ________ the people with the blessing from Numbers 6:24-26. 

4.    But when he came out, he could not speak to them: When Zacharias came out, he was supposed to stand on the temple steps, overlooking the crowd, and pronounce the priestly ________ on the people, and the other priests would repeat it after him. But Zacharias couldn’t ______!

5.    She hid herself five months: Elizabeth did not go away to hide her pregnancy; she was gone for the first five months, the time when she would be least noticed as pregnant. She went away to _____ time with the Lord, and to ________ on the destiny of the child within her.

6.    To a virgin betrothed: Mary was betrothed to Joseph. There were three stages to a Jewish wedding in that day.

1.    _________ (a formal agreement made by the fathers).

2.    _________ (the ceremony where mutual promises were made).

3.    _________ (approximately one year later, when the bridegroom came for his bride at an unexpected time).

7.    “The name ‘Mary’ is the Greek form of the Hebrew name _______, the sister of Moses. It means ‘_________ one,’ a fitting description of the soon-to-be mother of the Messiah.” 

8.    “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” However, all these things are true of the believer in Jesus. We are highly ________ as Mary was (Ephesians 1:6), the Lord is ______ (Matthew 28:20), and we are blessed (Ephesians 1:3).

9.    He will be called the Son of the Highest: Jesus would be the son of Mary, but not only her son; He would also be, and be known as, the Son of God.

10.    With God nothing shall be impossible: The point is clear. More literally, one could translate this for no _____ of God shall be __________. God will absolutely perform what He has said.

11.    Let it be to me according to your word: Mary then responded with an affirmation of ______. “Let it be to me according to Your word” is the proper response of every _________ to every promise of God.

12.    The babe leaped in her womb: When Elizabeth saw Mary, her _____ child – John the Baptist – leaped, because he was filled with joy. Though John wasn’t born yet, he had a _________ awareness and could respond to the Spirit of God.
