The Gospel of Luke Lesson 4

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Jan. 26, 2025

Last week we covered Mary's Song, John the Baptist's birth, Zacharias' prophecy, and a look at the world Jesus was born into. This week we will cover the birth of Christ, his presentation at the Temple, and a promise to Simeon is fulfilled.

Luke Lesson 4 Study Questions

1.    And she brought forth her firstborn Son: One of the striking things about Luke’s narrative is how _______ it is in contrast to how _______ the events are. In our modern age, small events are often inflated with over-description and presented as more important than they actually are. Yet under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Luke presented this most amazing event in an understated manner.

2.    She brought forth: This phrase is filled with _______. We are not told that anyone assisted Mary in the birth, though someone may have. One way or another, this young woman was completely __________ from all her family and supporting friends, who lived back in Nazareth.

3.    Now there were in the same country shepherds: Bethlehem’s shepherds were known to care for the ______ flock. These men may have also protected and cared for the lambs used in temple __________.

4.    An angel of the Lord stood before them: Interrupting this quiet, dark night was the shining presence of an angel and the glory of the Lord. This first angel brought good tidings (literally it means that they preached the _______) to these shepherds, who were regarded as social ________.

5.    The contrast between the angelic ______ and the _______ Jesus must have seemed extreme. God loves to put His glory in unlikely packages so His glory is more clearly displayed (2 Corinthians 4:7).

6.    And found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger: This was a strange sight, and the specific ______ they were told to look for. They no longer heard or saw angels, but they had the abiding encounter with _______. Angels may go, but Jesus remains.

7.    All those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds: The shepherd’s good news ________ all who heard it. Even if they didn’t really ____________ it, they recognized that something significant had happened.

8.    Circumcision… the days of her purification: The circumcision and purification ceremonies were necessary as a reminder that we are all born in ____ (Psalm 51:5). Jesus could have been excused because He was not born in sin. Yet, we see Him even as a baby, ___________ with sinners, as He also later did at His baptism and on the cross.

9.    A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles: The amazing thing about Simeon’s prophecy is that it shows that this light is for the _________ also. The salvation of Jesus began with Israel but was always to be extended ________ Israel.

10.    Anna was a remarkable woman. As a widow she knew pain and loss but had not become bitter. As an elderly woman she had not lost hope. Perhaps it was because she was a woman of ________ and a woman of _______.
