The Gospel of Luke Lesson 5

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Feb. 02, 2025

We pick up in Luke 2:39 following Jesus' circumcision and dedication and the family returns to Nazareth and he grew in stature and became strong in spirit.  Then at age twelve he returns to the Temple for Passover and is found learning and teaching in the Temple.

Luke Lesson 5 Study Questions

1.    The development of Jesus gives inspiration for believing parents today. They also pray for children to become _____ in spirit and to be filled with ________, and they guide their children in those paths.

2.    It would not be difficult to lose track of a young boy with such a large group of travelers – we shouldn’t accuse Joseph and Mary of child _________. But Mary must have felt badly enough, losing the _________.

3.    Sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions: For three days, a twelve-year-old Jesus discussed God’s Word and _________ His listeners with His understanding and answers.

4.    When we realize the impressive intellectual insight and analysis of Jewish Rabbis, this is ____________. This is something like a middle-school child discussing physics with a rocket scientist. Jesus did have a ________ advantage, having a special relationship with the writer of God’s Word.

5.    I must be about My Father’s business: These first recorded words of Jesus are significant. The surprise implied by these words of Jesus means that He knew that Mary and Joseph did _______ of His special relationship with God His Father. It means that it must have been an item of discussion and perhaps instruction in the ___________ of Jesus in their home.

6.    And was subject to them: The knowledge of who He was did not make Jesus _______ or haughty; Jesus was _________ to His parents. Jesus went from vision to duty, even as He later did from the Mount of Transfiguration.

7.    Jesus was not born a superman. He developed as He grew. “He passed through a natural but perfect _________ and _________ development. At every stage He was perfect for that stage.” 

8.    In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar: Biblical chronology can be a complicated matter. From secular historical records we know with certainty the ________ time this was, but it is difficult to be certain ________ when this was. The best reckonings set it anywhere from A.D. 27 to 29.

9.    When Herod the Great died, he divided his kingdom among his three sons Herod, Philip, and Lysanias. “The title tetrarch literally means governor of a _______ part…later the word widened its meaning and came to mean the governor of _____ part.” 

10.    The word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness: John lived in the desert since his youth (Luke 1:80). But now, prompted by the word of God, John began to _______ his ultimate calling: to be a ___________ of the Messiah.

11.    Bear fruits worthy of repentance: John was not unreasonable in demanding good fruit. True ___________ will always have ______ – and the basic fruit of the Christian life is love (Galatians 5:22 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

12.    Integrity in the ordinary things is still a mark of true ___________. We sometimes think God requires us to do great or impossible things to demonstrate repentance. Often, He instead looks for __________ in the ordinary things.
