The Gospel of Luke Lesson 6

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Feb. 09, 2025

Today we will finish chapters three and four covering Jesus’ baptism and His temptation from Satan.

Luke Lesson 6 Study Questions

1.    Herod the tetrarch, being rebuked by him concerning Herodias: The relationship between Herod and Herodias was both complicated and sinful. He was her uncle, and he seduced her from his half-brother. In marrying Herodias, Herod at once married a woman both his ______ and his ______________.

2.    Jesus also was baptized: Jesus did not receive baptism because He was a sinner that needed to repent and be cleansed from His sins. He did it to completely __________ Himself with sinful man. This was the same heart that would lead to His ultimate identification with sinful man on the ______.

3.    The Holy Spirit… and a voice came from heaven: The three Persons of the Trinity were all manifested at once. The Holy _______ came in bodily form like a dove. The voice of God the _______ was heard, and the beloved _____  was baptized.

4.    You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased: The voice from heaven left no doubt. This wasn’t just another sinner being baptized; this was the ________, Eternal Son of God, pleasing the Father by His identification with ________ man.

5.    Luke differs in the account of Matthew from David onward, but they both end their genealogies with Joseph. The best explanation for this seems to be that Luke followed ______ line (Jesus’ actual lineage) while Matthew followed _______ line (His legal lineage by adoption). 

6.    The son of Adam, the son of God: Luke traced his genealogy all the way back to _____, to show that Jesus belonged to all _________, not only to the Jewish people.

7.    Being filled with the Holy Spirit: In Luke 3:21-22 we read of how the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus in an unusual way at His baptism. We should not infer that He was not filled with the Holy Spirit before, only that He was now filled with the Holy Spirit in an _______ and ______ way.

8.    There are parallels with the way that Jesus was tested and the way that Adam was tested; but Adam faced his temptation in the most __________ circumstances imaginable, and Jesus faced His temptations in bad and ________ circumstances.

9.    Jesus was hungry, but ____ of the Spirit. We are sometimes just the opposite – full stomachs and _______ spirits.

10.    The temptation was basically this: “Since You’re the Messiah, why are You so deprived? Do a little something for _________.” The same temptation comes to us: “If you’re a child of God, why are things so tough? Do a little something for _________.”

11.    Jesus used Scripture to battle Satan’s temptation, not some elaborate spiritual _______ inaccessible to us. Jesus fought this battle as a Spirit-filled, Word-of-God-filled man. He drew on no divine resources that are __________ to us.

12.    Satan is the ruler of this world (John 12:31) and the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) by the popular election of ________ since the days of ______.