The Gospel of Luke Lesson 7

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Feb. 16, 2025

This week we will pick up in Luke 4:14 where Jesus is rejected in his hometown of Nazareth. Then we see what I call, His Jedi mind trick in verses 38-40. His friends and neighbors intended to throw him off a cliff and He just walked through the midst of them and went away.

Luke :Lesson 7 Study Questions

1.    Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit: Jesus came from His time of testing __________ than ever. Though He was already filled with the Spirit (Luke 4:1), He continued to walk in the power of the Spirit after experiencing ______ over temptation.

2.    And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day: Jesus made it His custom to get together with God’s people for _________ and the _____ of God. If anyone didn’t need to go to church (so to speak), it was Jesus – yet, it was His custom to do so.

3.    The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me: The one speaking in this Isaiah passage is the Anointed One; the ________, the _______.

4.    Marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth: This seems to mean that Jesus continued to speak on the theme just mentioned, and He did it with words that were literally full of ______+_. They sensed the goodness and grace of God in the announcement that the __________ of the Messiah was now present.

5.    No prophet is accepted in his own country: Jesus understood that it is easy to doubt the power and work of God among those most familiar to us. It was easier for those in Nazareth to doubt or reject Jesus because He seemed so ________ and __________ to them.

6.    When they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city: This was quite a response to a sermon. They were angry to be told that there was something wrong with _____, that their request for a miracle was denied, and that Jesus implied that God also loved the __________.

7.    Passing through the midst of them: They wanted a ________, and Jesus did an ___________ one right in front of them, escaping miraculously.

8.    And was teaching them on the Sabbaths… they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with authority: Jesus pursued His primary calling as a _______, taking advantage of the courtesy of the synagogue. We are not told what Jesus taught, but we are told of the effect the teaching had on His audience. They were ___________. They had never heard anyone teach quite like this before.

9.    I know who You are; the Holy One of God! The demon himself _________ that Jesus was _____ and pure. The demons admitted that their wilderness temptations failed to corrupt Jesus.

10.    He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them: Jesus worked very hard to ______ the needs of others and put their needs _______ His.

11.    Went into a deserted place: Jesus knew the value of _________ with God the Father. He spent most of His time ministering among the people but ________ such times in a deserted place.

12.    And He was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee: This was the clear _________ of Jesus’ work before the great work of atonement on the cross – he was a _________ and a _________, both in the open air and in houses of worship. His work of miracles and healings was impressive, but it was never His emphasis.
