Feb. 23, 2025
Last week we finished Chapter 4 with Jesus beginning to move from town to town in Galilee preaching in the synagogues. This week we begin in Chapter 5 where Jesus calls his first disciples, cleanses a leper, and heals a paralytic.
Luke Lesson 8 Study Questions
1. The Lake of Gennesaret: This was another name for the Sea of _______, as it is more familiarly known. It was also sometimes called the Sea of _________.
2. Master, we have toiled all night: The particular ancient Greek word Luke used for Master (epistata) is unique to Luke’s Gospel. The word has the ideas “____________,” “_______,” or perhaps even “______.” With this title, Peter showed he was willing to take orders from Jesus.
3. When Jesus directs our work, it makes all the difference. We can work – even work hard – for a long time with no results. But when Jesus ________ our work, we see ________; and we always miss something great when we make excuses instead of allowing Jesus to direct our work.
4. He fell down at Jesus’ knees: Jesus had already miraculously healed Peter’s mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39). Yet there was something about this miracle of the blessed catch that made Peter ________ Jesus and __________ himself to Him.
5. Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord! When Peter saw the great _______ of Jesus – displayed in Jesus’ knowledge in an area where He should have no knowledge – it made Peter realize his own __________ bankruptcy compared to Jesus.
6. Do not be afraid: In the grammar of the ancient Greek, this is literally stop being fearful; it calms an existing fear. Peter was afraid of Jesus in the sense of holding Him in such great awe, but Jesus told Him to put away that fear. God wants to relate to us on the principle of _____, not the principle of a cowering ______.
7. They forsook all and followed Him: This seems to mean that they left the miraculous catch of fish behind, because it was not as important as what it ________ them about Jesus. It showed them that Jesus was much more than any carpenter, and this caused them to ________ Him.
8. For these reasons leprosy was considered a _______of ____ and its effects. It is a contagious, debilitating disease that corrupts its victim and makes him essentially dead while alive. Therefore, society and religious people scorned lepers.
9. Lord, if You are willing: The leper had no doubt about the ability of Jesus to heal; his only question was if Jesus was _________ to heal. This was significant because leprosy was so _________ in the ancient world.
10. So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed: In this season of increasing popularity and publicity, Jesus made a special point to withdraw into the wilderness for _________. The demands of life pushed Jesus to ________, not from it.
11. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them: There were times when Jesus did not do many ___________ works because of the general _________ of His audience (Matthew 13:58).
12. They went up on the housetop and let him down: This proved the determination and _______ of friends of the paralytic. They counted on Jesus ________ their friend, because it sure would be a lot harder to bring him back up through the roof than lowering him down.