Mar. 02, 2025
NOTICE NEW START TIME 9:45 AM. Last week we learned the Greek word “epistata” and that Jesus is our BOSS. Today we see Jesus forgive the sins of a paralyzed man and demonstrate the power of God alone. And he calls Levi the tax collector.
Luke Lesson 9 Study Questions
1. When He saw their faith: Jesus looked up at the four men struggling with crude ropes tied to each corner of the stretcher with a paralytic on it. He looked at them and saw their ______.
2. Who can forgive sins but God alone? The religious leaders used the right kind of logic. They correctly believed that only ____ could forgive sins, and they were even correct for examining this new teacher. Their error was in refusing to see who Jesus actually _____.
3. Which is easier, to say: For men, both real forgiveness and the power to heal are impossible; but for God, both are easy. It is a logical assumption that if Jesus had the ______ to heal the man’s disease, He also had the __________ to forgive his sins.
4. The only one not tense was Jesus, because He had perfect peace when He said, “arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” At those words, immediately he arose. Jesus’ _______ to heal and ___________ to forgive sins was immediately vindicated.
5. “When a Jew entered the customs service he was regarded as an _________ from society: he was disqualified as a judge or a witness in a court session, was excommunicated from the _________, and in the eyes of the community his disgrace extended to his family.”
6. And their scribes and the Pharisees complained against His disciples: The accusation came indirectly against Jesus, through His _________. People often attack Jesus in the same way today, through His __________.
7. Those who are well have no need of a physician: Jesus’ answer was both simple and profound. Jesus is the physician of the ______, and it makes sense for Him to be with those who are sick with ____.
8. But the days will come: There would come a day when __________ is appropriate for Jesus’ followers. But at the present time, when Jesus was _______ them, it was not that day.
9. No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one: “Patching up an old garment with a piece of a new garment not only disfigures the new garment but also causes the old garment to become more ragged than ever, for the new piece has still to shrink and will then pull the old threadbare garment to pieces. Just as fatal will it be to adapt the __________ of Jesus to the old __________.”
10. Why are you doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath? When the disciples did what they did, in the eyes of the religious leaders they were ________ of reaping, threshing, winnowing, and preparing food. There were therefore four __________ of the Sabbath in one mouthful.
11. What David did when he was hungry: The reference to David’s use of the holy bread showed the first principle: human _____ is more important than religious ________.
12. The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath: The second principle was even more dramatic. Jesus said that He is the Lord of the Sabbath, and the Lord of the Sabbath was not offended by His disciple’s ________, then these religious leaders should not have been _________. This is exactly what many people, steeped in tradition, simply cannot accept. They don’t believe that what God really wants is mercy before sacrifice.