Adult Ministries

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

We are here to serve

Our Ministries are here to glorify God through prayer and activities in our chapel and in our community.  Promoting spiritual growth and leading men and women to Christ is what we are called to do.  We are blessed to have many ministries that you can use your spiritual gifts.  

Our ministries seek to provide opportunities for our members and community to grow in faith, to find their place of mission, and to build community in Hilltop Lakes.  Through study of scripture, prayer, spiritual friendships, we seek to transform ourselves and our community with the love God made know to us in Jesus.

From on-going ministries to short-term ones, we invite you to visit one.  Our group leaders are here to help answers questions.  

Hospitality TEam

A new Chapel Ministry is here!  The Hospitality Team is a ministry that serves and prepares meals at church events.  This includes Congregation Meals and Bereavement Meals.  We are set up to have member teams on a rotating schedule so those on the team will not be called upon each time we have an event.  In addition to preparing meals, teams will be involved planning a theme, setting up decor and taking down after the event. If you have a calling to serve in this area and enjoy planning parties and other events, please contact our event coordinators Thelma Hughes, Mamie Elmendorf and Debbie DuBois. 

Or call the Chapel office for more information.  You can also sign up by completing the online registration.  Click the Join The Team! below.

join the Team!

Men's Ministries

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Women's Ministries

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Chapel Choir

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caring evangelism

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