Chapel Choir

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

The Hilltop Lakes Choir is open to everyone who is willing to be committed to serving the Lord through this ministry, doesn’t mind some work, likes to learn, and enjoys laughter and friendship.

The overarching goals of the choir are to glorify God and to build up the congregation—including building up one another within the choir.

Choirs have been a part of Christian worship for almost two thousand years and, prior to that, were as long-established as David and the Psalms. As choir members, we are honored and humbled to be a part of a ministry unto God and his people with such a heritage and living purpose.

The choir sings every Sunday (with occasional exceptions) and also presents extended programs at Easter and Christmas. We sing a variety of types of choral literature, drawing from the past and the present. Our weekly rehearsal time is 6:00pm on Tuesday evenings. We do a choir warm-up on Sundays at 10:15am. As we approach Easter or Christmas, we also add rehearsal times and dress rehearsals for special programs which will typically be on Saturdays.

You do not have to be able to read music to be a part of the choir—some of our members do, some do not. But anyone will probably learn to read music, to some degree, just by participating in the choir. Like any good choir, we do not just “learn songs,” but we work on various aspects of singing: breath support, tone, intonation, diction, expression, and other techniques. We also explore the meaning of the texts we sing, as we seek to proclaim the Gospel with the greatest clarity and understanding that we can.

And we have a great time doing all of this. We support one another, enjoy our friendships, laugh a lot, and experience the joy of the Lord.


join a music group

You are invited! If you are interested in adding your voice, please click on the send us a message using the form below.  Inquire about our Sanctuary Choir or Youth Music Program.  You will be contacted by our Music Minister, John Mathews.