Men's Ministry

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

The Men's Ministry of Hilltop Lakes Chapel

Hilltop Lakes Chapel is committed to encouraging the growth of our spiritual leaders through a balanced program of worship, biblical teaching, fellowship, and evangelism. Keep an eye on our events page to see upcoming events for the men of Hilltop Lakes Chapel.

Men's Bible Study - 

Meets in the Pilot's Lounge at 9:45 AM Sunday mornings led by Jim Kimberlin.

Men's Prayer Breakfast -

Meets the 3rd Friday of each month, come enjoy a great breakfast a brief devotional and small group prayer.

Men's Ministry -

Men lending a helping hand to elderly and home bound in the community with home maintenance and repairs, see Dennis Pruitt

Fathers in the Field - 

Coming soon to the Chapel see Pastor Robert Read for more info


the kitchen is open...

Men's Prayer Breakfast

is scheduled on the third Friday of each month at 8:30am.  Men throughout the area are invited

to join us for Christian fellowship, a hearty breakfast, and a spiritually inspiring message with 

practical application for everyday life.  You can expect to see men come together to pray for

each other, their loved ones, and lift needs and desires to our Heavenly Father!

New to the area or our Chapel?  Feel free to join us at our next breakfast-coffee is waiting!

  Learn More About Our Next Breakfast

  Do You Need Prayer?



For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10

Our Men's Ministry, Projects for Men, is called to assist seniors, widows or others in need of minor home repairs.  Men may volunteer to be called upon when someone needs assistance that could include something small like changing a light to something more involved like building a safety ramp.  If you have the ability, this ministry could use your skills.  Dennis Pruitt organizes men that can help and contacts you when someone calls that needs something in your field of expertise.

To volunteer in our community, contact Dennis at 936-855-2299.


Men's bible study

Each Sunday, men gather at the Pilot's Lounge to study the Bible, learn from one another and are challenged and encouraged to live a godly life.  

The group starts with prayer—everyone attending has the opportunity to pray, with prayers covering family, world events or anything that God lays upon their hearts.

In this class, Books of the Bible are explored.  This small group offers straight talk, diverse discussions and biblical truths built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Those attending are encouraged to share opinions of the Scripture.

The Pilot's Lounge, located on Hilltop Drive offers an inviting place to meet. Come see how God can pilot your life and find a congenial, welcoming group of men that invite you to enjoy your Sunday mornings by diving into the Bible.

Jim Kimberlin leads the discussion.

fathers in the field