Women's Ministry

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

The Women's Ministry of Hilltop Lakes Chapel

Join the women of Hilltop Lakes Chapel as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Every prayer group, Bible study, service opportunity and other events we offer will encourage you in your walk with Christ while fostering genuine relationships with other women.  

But we can't do it alone.  We need you!  We'd love for you to get involved in one of our Women's Ministry groups. Our ministries offer you many ways to serve.  

  • Women's Sunday Morning Bible Study - 

Meets in the Parlor at 9:45 AM Sundays led by Kathleen Martin

  • Ladies Monday Bible Study -

Have a wonderful time learning and sharing the Lord!  We have the study guide available for you.

Come join us.  You do not have to attend all the studies.  After study, you're welcome to join us for lunch at one of the local restaurants.  We'd love for you to be a part of our study group!!!  We will see you Mondays @ 10:00am! Led by Karen Woods.

  • Ladies Prayer Group -

Meets Thursdays at 10:00 AM.

  • Ladies' Auxillary -

Serving our Chapel and Community.  Meet the 1st Tuesday of the month.


Women's Bible Studies for Life

providing followers of Jesus with a pathway to walk on as they become more like Jesus and advance His kingdom...

Welcome to Our Sunday Morning Class!  If you are new here, we encourage you to attend.  In this class, we use study guides from Bible Studies for Life.  With a research-backed, biblical model of discipleship, every session is designed to provide a balanced, relatable, and age-appropriate group Bible study experience.

*Discipleship is the lifestyle of walking with God. This walk tends to follow a pathway as followers become more like Christ and advance His kingdom.

Every pathway has signposts—markers to show a person’s progress. Lifeway Research has identified eight signposts of discipleship—lifestyle patterns that ought to be growing in ever-increasing measure the longer a person walks the pathway of discipleship.

Bible Studies for Life is designed so that each of the following categories (signposts) are addressed over the course of a year. This ensures a balanced approach to Bible study as group members advance to spiritual maturity.

Engage with Scripture   

Obey God and Deny Self

Serve God and Others

Share Christ

Exercise Faith

Seek God

Build Relationships

Live Unashamed

*source: biblestudiesforlife.lifeway.com/adults/

Kathleen Martin leads your Sunday discussion.

Learn More

Ladies Auxiliary

Our Mission is to promote spiritual growth and friendships while providing opportunities to support charitable organizations and our mission program.

Ladies Auxiliary serves our church and community in a variety of ways.  We meet the first Tuesday of each month to offer prayer and support for those in need,  During our meeting we plan for upcoming events.  We also have a great group of ladies that lead in devotional time plus we have great speakers. 

There is always an area that you can serve.  Here are some of our ministries:

Operation Christmas Child-

Gifts of love fill shoe boxes for children around the world at Christmas. We collect donations and have a "packing party" each November. 

  Learn More

Do you like to bake? -

If you enjoy baking cookies, pies, cakes or just about anything with flour and sugar as the main ingredient, then this ministry could use you!  We provide cookies and set up for our Christmas Program reception, deliver Valentine cookies to local homebound residents, and host our Scholarship Fund Bake Sale in November.  

CARD SHOP-sending joy near and far

Located in the fellowship hall, the card shop offers a wide selection of cards.  From Anniversaries to Weddings, there is a special card waiting for you.  Visit the card shop during office hours or any other time that the Chapel is open.  A collection box is conveniently located in the card shop to make your payment.  Sales of cards fund other auxiliary projects.  

Cards are only 50¢


Our Scholarship Committee selects and awards a $1500 scholarship to one local student.

Neighbor to Neighbor Meals – 

 The purpose of the program is to serve one nutritious meal once a week on Wednesdays for those living in Hilltop Lakes that are homebound or unable to prepare a meal for themselves because of physical conditions. Volunteers are on one of 5 teams that serve on a 5 week rotation.  If you would like to serve, click below to contact Karen Levett.

  Contact Karen

Ladies Auxiliary 2024 Scholarship REcipient

Our 2024 recipient of the $1700 Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship is Anna Grace Hovey.  Anna Grace has been a faithful and active member in our church. She has served in many ministries including Vacation Bible School and Caring Evangelism.  She has also been part of our Chapel office staff for 3 years.  She plans to take online classes from Liberty University this Fall.

Did you know?  Ladies Auxiliary funds its scholarship through its annual Bake Sale that is scheduled each November.  That is a lot of cookies and cakes made and purchased!  We could not do this without our community supporting this program.  We are truly grateful to God and ask for continued support so we can support the youth in our community.

Ladies Bible Study monday

Revelation by Jen WIlkin will be our Ladies Bible Group study this winter.  We encourage you to join us.  We are a great group of ladies that love diving into the Word of God.  We meet Mondays at 10:00am in the fellowship hall.

Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as the very last one. The book of Revelation overflows with images and ideas that confound our modern ears. Yet, those who originally heard the letter understood it and drew encouragement from its message. Why is it often not the same today? Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse Bible study, Jen Wilkin helps you discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible and helpful, speaking a steadying word of assurance to the church in every age.

Our group of Ladies have a love for sharing the Lord and enjoying time together.  Grab a book and join us starting January 13th!

We meet Mondays at 10:00am and have a great time sharing our love of the LORD!

  Learn More


ladies prayer group

Press the pause button, take some time and come join ladies for prayer each Thursday morning...

We are a community of women who desire to come together to share faith and prayer so we can deepen our relationship with God and grow as His disciples.

We have small groups of women who pray together on Thursday mornings and would love for you to join us. We can create new groups at anytime.  Join us as we pray for our church, our community, our country, and lift up others in need of prayer.

 You will be blessed each week as you join in prayer with other godly Christians.

do you need prayer?