The Women's Ministry of Hilltop Lakes Chapel
Join the women of Hilltop Lakes Chapel as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Every prayer group, Bible study, service opportunity and other events we offer will encourage you in your walk with Christ while fostering genuine relationships with other women.
But we can't do it alone. We need you! We'd love for you to get involved in one of our Women's Ministry groups. Our ministries offer you many ways to serve.
Women's Sunday Morning Bible Study -
Meets in the Parlor at 9:45 AM Sundays led by Kathleen Martin
Ladies Monday Bible Study -
Have a wonderful time learning and sharing the Lord! We have the study guide available for you.
Come join us. You do not have to attend all the studies. After study, you're welcome to join us for lunch at one of the local restaurants. We'd love for you to be a part of our study group!!! We will see you Mondays @ 10:00am! Led by Karen Woods.
Ladies Prayer Group -
Meets Thursdays at 10:00 AM.
Ladies' Auxillary -
Serving our Chapel and Community. Meet the 1st Tuesday of the month.