Chapel KIDZ

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM


Welcome to Chapel KIDZ Ministry!  Our ministry exists to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ, to equip them to honor God, to grow them in their faith, and to challenge them to fulfill the Great Commission.  Chapel KIDZ is for children Grades PreK-6.  

weekly schedule:

  • Sundays: Chapel KIDZ @ 9:45am-Classes led by Linda Bishop, Vickie Carrigan, Lori McMullen, Kari and David Hodges
  • Wednesday Nights:  Led by Saishi Hovey

Special Events:

  • VBS-Summers are Special. Led by Saishi Hovey our VBS is June 9-13!
  • Tennis Camp:  A Summer Event at Hilltop Lakes Tennis Courts.  We have instructors that introduce skills, techniques, and play to improve a child's game.
  • Parents Day Out Events:  Need time to do errands or shopping? Or even a date?  Several times each year, the Chapel host events for parents to get errands done and we provide care for the children.

chapel kidz SUNDAYS @ 9:45AM

Disciple Kids from the Ground Up

As kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them. Our Chapel KIDZ Classes use resources from Bible Studies for Life series.  Each season we introduce new studies. This ensures every kid at Hilltop Lakes Chapel has a transformative, age-appropriate encounter with God’s Word so that we can invest our energy where it’s needed most—our kids!

Kids will learn that God is the Creator and in charge of all things; that God sent Jesus, and that they can tell others about Him.

  • Linda Bishop
  • Cathy Hutchinson
  • Lori McMullen
  • Alison Record
  • Kari and David Hodges

      Contact Us

wednesday night at the chapel

We Grow in Christian Faith 

 Saishi leads our Wednesday Night KIDZ ministry, working to build a closer relationship with our Hilltop kids while helping them grow and understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and to live a life devoted to pleasing Him.

Each week a meal is provided followed by games and Bible stories.

Parents Day/night Out Events

In December 2022, we hosted our first Parents Day Out. Parents dropped off their kids at the Chapel and had a day to shop, put up decorations or just run errands.  We enjoyed a fun-filled day of games, crafts, movies and other activities. In February we followed up with Date Night for Parents.  

Keep checking for more of these events in the future. Everyone in the community is welcome!

part of the hilltop community

We encourage to serve in our Community

Handing out Chapel KIDZ Treat bags for Trunk or Treat, singing carols at Christmas, our KIDZ ministries are encouraged to be involved in our community.  Each year the Chapel does Trunk or Treat in the parking lot.  Neighborhood kids have a safeplace to go.  We provided over 300 treat bags with information about Chapel KIDZ Bible Study.

At Christmas our Wednesday Night KIDZ and Youth go Christmas caroling in the Hilltop area.  It is a great time for fellowship and celebrating Christ's birth.