
The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Welcome to Our Nursery

Our Chapel Nursery is available during Sunday Bible Classes and Worship Service.

Our Nursery Ministry encompasses infants to kindergarten age children.  We are available Sunday mornings at 9:45am.  Our volunteers provide interactive play and story time during Bible Classes and Worship Service.  Your pre-schoolers are welcome to join us for one or both of the Sunday worship times.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  At what age do you begin accepting infants into the nursery?

We happily start accepting infants, into our nursery between the ages of 6-8 weeks old.

2.  May I come by and visit the nursery prior to the first time I plan to leave my infant with you?

Absolutely!  We highly encourage drop-in visits to our nursery so you can see our facilities and ask any initial questions you may have.  Our office staff can give you a tour (Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00-2:00pm and Friday 9:00-2:00pm).  Or if you are attending a church event you can stop by our nursery, and we can show you around.

3.  Do I need to register my child for childcare?

At this time, there is no need to register ahead of time.  When you visit us initially you will fill out a Guest Information Form.  Once you attend regularly, we will ask you to check in with us.

4.  What items do I need to bring with me when dropping off my child at the Nursery?

Please bring your child's diaper bag/backpack with extra diapers, wipes, bottles/sippy cups, and at least one change of clothes.  

5.  Do you have a nursing room?

At this time, we do not have a designated room.  Ask one of our nursery volunteers and they will help you find a space to accommodate your needs.

6.  How will you reach me if my child needs me?

We will use your cell phone number to contact you via text message or phone call if you are needed.  We do not like to let children cry for more than 10 minutes; if we are unsuccessful at consoling your infant within a 10-minutes time period we will notify you.

7.  What are your safety protocols?

First and foremost, please know that we here in the Nursery Ministry at Hilltop Lakes Chapel earnestly desire for you to feel comfortable and at complete ease when entrusting us with the care of your precious child(ren).

Therefore, we take the safety of your children very seriously and have implemented the following measures to ensure that your children are kept safe while under our care.

1. Background Checks & Ministry Safe training: ALL paid staff and volunteers/teachers are required to undergo a background check and online child protection training through every two years.

2. Safety Team members: We have rotating Safety Team members who are stationed outside the Sanctuary doors during our Sunday morning services. They also monitor our security camera system. Safety Team members are tasked with the duty of making certain doors remain locked.  

 3. Sign-in Clipboards: Parent Location sheets are placed outside our nursery in order to: (1) ensure that we have the best and most recent contact information for you in the event that we need to reach/locate you  (2) provide our volunteers with a class roster in the event of an emergency situation.  Each child must be signed in to stay in the nursey.

Volunteer | Serving in Our Nursery

Our Chapel is very blessed to have wonderful volunteers in the nursery; however, we can always use other church members willing to step up and volunteer in this ministry for special occasions or when our regular dedicated staff might not be able to attend.

Your role as a Nursery Ministry volunteer is to interact, play with, and love our kids! You have an awesome opportunity to help us plant the early seeds of biblical foundation in our preschoolers through Jesus-focused conversation and interactive play.