Youth Ministry

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

The Youth Ministry Of Hilltop Lakes Chapel

We Want All Of Our Youth To Know Jesus Christ And To Find Their Ultimate Joy And Satisfaction In Him.

We have designed our youth ministry to deepen understanding of the greatness of our God, and to give encouragement in the pursuit of godliness. Check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the youth of Hilltop Lakes Chapel.

Welcome! Our goal is to help our children and youth become true disciples of Jesus Christ by, building relationships with them, being examples for them and teaching them, God’s Word.

Youth Group - Dani Griggs

Young Adult Sunday School -Dani Griggs

Vacation Bible School - Saishi Hovey

Tennis Camp - Tommy Raykovich

chapel youth Wednesdays

Each Wednesday, our youth meet 6:00–7:30pm to deepen their faith, meet new friends, and create lasting memories. Dinner is provided, followed by classes for Grades PreK-6 and 7-12.  

Our youth staff and volunteers are committed to help navigate your teen years with biblical courage and wisdom.   

Regardless of where you may be on your personal journey of faith, we invite you to experience Jesus Christ on a personal level and see for yourself the difference He will make in your life. 



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Chapel Youth Bible Study

Sunday morning Bible Study for Grades 7-12.

Dani Griggs leads a discussion that helps young adults grow in Christian faith and practice.   Join us as we study God’s word, seeking to know Him better and better, and seeking to learn how to apply His word to our lives. We examine questions teens have about God and other contemporary issues in an atmosphere of friendship and fellowship. Enjoy growing through discipleship while connecting with your peers and serving as Christ teaches.


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Be a VBS volunteer!

Hilltop Lakes Chapel VBS-June 9-13, 2025!

Youth play an important part in encouraging the kids during this week.  Our Youth Volunteers serve as teacher’s aides, help with crafts, games, and other small activities.  

Being a volunteer provides good experience to learn how to handle kids in a classroom setting.  

You can expect to assist in the following areas:

  • Participate in morning assembly
  • Providing one-on-one help to kids during crafts
  • Helping the teacher by setting up for the next activity
  • Keeping the room clean
  • Stocking the children’s take-home bags
  • Giving extra attention to children with special needs
  • Clean up after each session and prepare for the next day

Volunteers can sign up and interview with our VBS Director Saishi Hovey. 

 Volunteers will undergo a background check and an online child protection training through (cost covered by Hilltop Lakes Chapel) prior to working with children.

We look forward to you being part of VBS this summer!  Click the Learn More tab to register online.

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panthers for christ

Hilltop Lakes Chapel Missions Ministry is part of Panthers for Christ at Normangee High School.  Quarterly, during the school year, Dani delivers a devotional to the students and the Missions Committee provides breakfast to a great group of students.  

If you are a student at Normangee, please attend these meetings.  Hilltop Lakes Chapel is just one of other surrounding churches that participates. Panthers for Christ meets monthly at 7:00 am at Normangee High School.

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