Building Program

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:45AM | Sunday worship- 11:00AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

Building Update

The new building will connect to the existing Foyer through what is now a men's restroom. There will still be a small single use restroom there, but there will be a 10-ft. wide corridor connecting the new Gathering Room to the existing foyer. To facilitate this two AC units had to be moved along with the associated electrical and a gas line had to be relocated. That work has been completed!

The building foot print has been laid out on the parking lot with orange paint, thanks to Robert Read and Ralph Yeager. When you get the opportunity take a look and walk it out to see the size and how it will align with the existing building.

Existing septic tanks that are located on the east side of the choir room just outside the parlor entrance door will have been moved south past the corner of the office building. All existing drain lines were extended to the new tanks and new sprinkler heads were added to the aerobic system.

We are currently working to gather bids and develop a budget for phase 1 of the building.

Dear Friends,

The proposed educational building  is the result of over a year and a half of prayer and study involving two separate committees and a total of 30 people on those committees—as well as ongoing support and input from the trustees and the congregation. Our prayer throughout this journey has been for the Lord to show us what educational facility is needed by Hilltop Lakes Chapel for the decades ahead. I believe that the Lord has answered our prayer. 

Pictured below are the Program and Concept for the building that were developed by the committees. This information informed the architect as he worked with us to make further refinements.

This proposed building has the unanimous recommendation of the Building Committee, the Board of Trustees, and myself. We do so in faith, not knowing where the resources will come from to build it, but knowing that God is able to provide and will do so if we are faithful and obedient to him.

Please pray for the Lord’s continued guidance and provision as we go forward together. Please be open and responsive to how the Lord may lead you to help. And in this undertaking, may God be glorified, may his kingdom be furthered, and may generations of people be helped, taught,  and blessed by God in this facility for years to come. 

Yours in Christ,

Wayne Barrett

Senior Pastor

Proposed Education Facility

(Click Image to enlarge)

Front Elevation

Depicts the front of the existing building with covered walkways removed to better reveal the beauty of the front entrance. The cross and the fountain that doubles as a baptismal is in the center of the two buildings. One can see the large glassed in front wall of the propsed building and the covered entrances on the east side. The proposed building will feature brick on the bottom of the walls up to window sills painted brown, stucco above the brick, and the same color extended around the existing building.


Ground Floor Plan 

 Depicts the large gathering area with glassed wall, double-sided fireplace, several seating areas, and cafe space. There will be a wide hallway connection from the new building through the existing men's restroom tying the two lobbies together. In front of the connecting hallway is a fountain that doubles as a baptismal. There is a covered walk in entry and a covered drive-thru dropoff on the east side of the proposed building. The children space is design to serve as both a future daycare and Sunday school space. There are large man's and women's resrooms as well as classroom space for children and youth. There is a multi-purpose space that can serve as a half-court gym and a large meeting room with tons of storage space. There is a serving kitchen and pantry with an open outdoor covered area. There will be a covered wakway connecting from the existing entrance at the conference room to the multi-purpose room. Outdoor space between the two buildings will serve as future playground for prescool.

Second Floor

Features a balcony overlooking the gathering area with a coffee bar at one end. A men's and women's restroom with stair case at both ends of the building for fire saftey. Six adult classrooms with retractable partitions between rooms 2 & 3 and 5 & 6 to create extra large classroom spaces. Each classroom has a storage space and a small coffe bar with cabinet space.

Site Plan

The site plan displays the building situated on Chapel property and the revised parking lot that includes 161 spaces. All of the area colored gray will be paved parking or driving lanes. There will be 16 handicap spaces with 3 that are van accessible.