A Dot is Connected

The gathering of the chapel

Sunday School - 9:30AM | Sunday worship- 10:45AM | Wed. Bible study - 6PM

by: Robert Read



Read Genesis 39-40 and Luke 22:14-23

Everyone that knows me, knows my passion in Bible study is connecting the dots, or connecting the Old Testament and the New Testament. We know from the Bible study I did at the Chapel entitled “Connecting the Dots”, that Joseph was a type of Christ. So, if you believe the Bible was just written by men and was not inspired by the Holy Spirit, then read on.

First let’s look at the Old Testament passage where Joseph was in prison in Egypt in Genesis 39-40.

Joseph was falsely accused and imprisoned under the Captain of the Guard. God was with Joseph and everything he did succeeded, so the captain put him in charge of things in the prison. Some time later the King’s chief cupbearer and baker were imprisoned with Joseph and both had dreams, which Joseph interpreted for both.

In Luke 22:14-23 Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples and He offered wine, representing his blood, and bread, representing his body, to them asking them to “do this in remembrance of me”. This established what we call the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion.

So, what does a baker do, he bakes bread, and what does a cupbearer do, he serves wine. You might think well, that was a coincidence. When Joseph interpreted the Cupbearer’s dream and told him in three-days you will be restored to your position. “Only remember me,” Jesus told his disciples, my body will be destroyed, I will be hanged on a tree, but in three-days I will be resurrected.

So, why was the cupbearer freed and the baker hanged? The baker’s bread represents the body of Christ which was destined to die and the wine represents the blood of Christ. “For by the blood of Christ we are set free, that is our sins are forgiven (Eph. 1:7).”

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Read Genesis 39-40 and Luke 22:14-23

Everyone that knows me, knows my passion in Bible study is connecting the dots, or connecting the Old Testament and the New Testament. We know from the Bible study I did at the Chapel entitled “Connecting the Dots”, that Joseph was a type of Christ. So, if you believe the Bible was just written by men and was not inspired by the Holy Spirit, then read on.

First let’s look at the Old Testament passage where Joseph was in prison in Egypt in Genesis 39-40.

Joseph was falsely accused and imprisoned under the Captain of the Guard. God was with Joseph and everything he did succeeded, so the captain put him in charge of things in the prison. Some time later the King’s chief cupbearer and baker were imprisoned with Joseph and both had dreams, which Joseph interpreted for both.

In Luke 22:14-23 Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples and He offered wine, representing his blood, and bread, representing his body, to them asking them to “do this in remembrance of me”. This established what we call the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion.

So, what does a baker do, he bakes bread, and what does a cupbearer do, he serves wine. You might think well, that was a coincidence. When Joseph interpreted the Cupbearer’s dream and told him in three-days you will be restored to your position. “Only remember me,” Jesus told his disciples, my body will be destroyed, I will be hanged on a tree, but in three-days I will be resurrected.

So, why was the cupbearer freed and the baker hanged? The baker’s bread represents the body of Christ which was destined to die and the wine represents the blood of Christ. “For by the blood of Christ we are set free, that is our sins are forgiven (Eph. 1:7).”

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